Emoji Picker is program for picking emojis, the emojis can be used on facebook, twitter and other
sites that uses emojis.
EmojiPicker holds 660 different emojis. The first row in Group 1
are the old style emojis, you know :) :( etc. the rest are the more modern
unicode 6 emojis. On most sites, many of the emojis will show as a square
the edit field and first become visible when you post the text.
Permission is hereby granted, FREE of charge, to any person
obtaining a copy of this software, from this site, to use
Emoji Picker at their own
They are however NOT ALLOWED to post it on their own website for
download, the only way they are allowed to distribute the
Emoji Picker is by linking to this page
Disclaimer: Emoji Picker is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.
User manual:
Emoji Picker is very easy to use, you simply click on the emojis you want, when you click on the emoji, it is copied to the clipboarda and a copy is made at the line at the bottom, like you see here below. When you click on another emoji the previous emoji will be replaced in the clipboard and on the line at the botom.
The Line at the bottom always show what is in the clipboard, to clear press DEL.
If you want to select more then one emoji at the same time, you simply hold down the Ctrl key on you keyboard when you click. When you have the emoji(s) you want you just go to your browser and paste the emojis. If you decide there is one of the selected emojis you don't want, then you just click it, to make it disappear.
You can arrange the emojis in the order you like, using drag and drop. Drag and drop
only works within each group, if you want to move an emoji to another group you
can use the PopUp menu You see here to the right.
From the PopUp menu
you can also export the order of your emojis to a file, so that you can import it
on another PC or just for backup.
If you click the last item in the
PopUp menu, the emojis will be arranged as they were the first time you
started Emoji Picker.
There is no installation program to
Emoji Picker, you simply just unpack the Emoji.zip and run the Emoji.exe.
Emoji Picker write one key to the registry, so it can remember its position and
the key is:
Emoji Picker is for Windows XP, Windows 7 - 8
- 10
Download Emoji Picker (1496KB).