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INI-Edit & Password Saver

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INI-Edit is a very fast and easy to use program, for creating and editing INI files and for managing all your passwords safely. If you are working with INI files, INI-Edit will handle all  the INI syntax and file structuring for you. If you are creating or you just want to change some values in the INI File, INI-Edit can be a great help, with its very fast search function and its ability to hide all comments. Now INI-Edit can encrypt the file when it saves it, this feature makes INI-Edit perfect for storing and organizing passwords.
For a full description about the features of INI-Edit take a look at the user guide below.

INI-Edit can run on Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 10.

INI-Edit is Trial Ware so you have 30 days to try it before you decide to buy it.   Price is: 12 USD

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User Guide

INI-Edit main window Title Bar:

The Title Bar shows the name of the file that is currently open in INI-Edit and it also shows what encoding there is used in the file. ANSI means that it is in the users local codepage, that is the default if nothing else is set in the file. There is also these values: UTF-8, UTF-16LE and UTF-16BE, UTF-16LE is often used in Windows 7 INI files and UTF-8 is often used in INI files that is to be shared over the internet and finally it can show Encrypted which is when you are using INI-Edit for storing passwords.

File Action Buttons:
File Buttons

These buttons works pretty much the way they always do in all program, but I will mention them anyway. New clear the editor, prepare the new file and create a nameless  empty section. It is allowed to have one nameless section, it is however advisable to give it a name.
Open: open a browse dialog when clicked, so you can browse to find the file you want to open, there is an extra feature in this button, If you hold down the left mouse on the button a dropdown menu will appear containing the last 10 file names you have opened in INI-Edit, see an example here .
Reload: does exactly that, it reloads the already open file and discard all changes made to the file, It is useful if you have made changes to the file with another program of If you want to undo the changes you made in the file.
Save: This button is only active if you have made changes to the file and if you click it the file will be saved to its current name, no questions asked.
Save as: Open a save file dialog where you can type a new filename, it is also here you chose what type of file you want to save, a standard Ini file (FileName.Ini) or an Ini File Encrypted (FileName.IniCry) and you can also chose which encoding you want the file to have.
When you chose to save the files as an encrypted file, you will see this dialog, where you will be asked to supply a password at least 5 characters in length. It is very important that you remember this password, because if you loose it, you can never get to the contents of the file again.
Find: Opens the find dialog which will be describes next.

Find Dialog:

In this dialog you set up your search criteria's when you start  a search. you can type in a par of a word a whole word or a text string. INI Edit will look for exactly what is in the Edit field as if it was one word even if it is two or more.
In the Where to Look part you chose in which parts you want to look. If the Checkbox is checked INI-Edit will kook in that part. If you chose to view Only Values the two comment checkboxes will be disabled, as it does not make much sense to get a hit in a comment you cant see anyway.
There are two options if Whole Words is checked INI-Edit will only respond with a hit, if what you have written in the Look For field is found surrounded by word separators. Word separators are: [ .,\"\':?!()&;[]{}/\<>-+*=-|] + beginning or end of line. If Case Sensitive is checked INI-Edit will in this example not find Browser, but if it Case Sensitive isn't checked INI-Edit will find both Browser and browser.

Section buttons:
Section buttons

These buttons with the blue dots are the buttons for creating and manipulating sections in the INI file, Add, Copy, Insert and Edit all open the Section dialog you can see below.
Add: adds a new section after the last section in the section list. Copy: copy the selected section and all its items to a new section that is added after the last section in the section list. Insert: inserts a new section before the selected section. Edit: lets you edit the selected section.  Del: delete the selected Section and if you hold down Shift while you click the button the selected Section will be deleted, No questions asked. There are keyboard shortcut to all the functions, just have a look in the Keyboard Shortcut section of this page or look at the Tool Tip for each button.

Add & Edit Section Dialog:

This is the dialog you will see when you want to Add, Copy, Insert or Edit a Section Section Title is the text that will appear between the angled brackets in the INI file like this: [Section Title].
The text you write in Section Comment will appear at the same line as the Section Title preceded by a space and a semicolon so it will look like this: [Section Title] ;Here is the comment.

Value Item Buttons:

These buttons with the green dots are the buttons for creating and manipulating Value Items in the INI file, Add, Insert and Edit all open the Value Item dialog you can see below and they behave just like the same buttons for sections.  Del delete the selected Value Item and if you hold down Shift while you click the button the selected Value Item will be deleted, No questions asked. There are keyboard shortcut to all the functions, you can see those in the Keyboard Shortcut section of this page or look at the Tool Tip for each button.

Add & Edit Value Item Dialog:

This dialog is used for adding, inserting and editing Value Items. If you want a blank line in the INI file you just leave all fields empty and click Apply. Item Name is the text to the left of the = sign and Item Value is the text to the right. if you add text to the Item Comment field it will be added after the value text preceded by a semicolon like this: Name=Value ;Comment.
If you want to have a line that is only a comment, you just leave the Name and Value fields empty.
Multiline Comment: is a special feature that only exist in the Add and the Insert dialog and only if Values Only is unchecked in the main window. This feature makes it a lot easier to give a proper explanation in the INI file. The way it works i that you leave the Name and the Value fields empty and you check the Multiline Comment checkbox, then you can type a multiline explanation in the Comment field. When you click Apply the contents of the comment field will be added to or inserted in the INI file line by line and each line in the INI file will start with a semicolon ; Like this:
;First comment line
;Second comment line

and so on. If Multiline Comment isn't checked and you have more then one line in the comment field the lines will be merged together and applied after the value as one long line of comment.
The Generate a Password is a new feature in ver. 2+ and when you click it you get to a new window that you can see right here below.

Shortcuts, Passwords, Help & Info:

If you click the green shortcut arrow you will get a Create Shortcut dialog. If you click P the password generator window will come up. If you click the Question mark this page will open, in your default browser. Clicking the letter i will open the Info & Registration Dialog.

Shortcut Dialog:

This is a helping toll to make creating shortcuts easy. Most of the times INI files have to be located where the program expect to find it. That's why it is a smart thing to make a shortcut to the file. That way you can keep all the shortcuts in the same place, for easy access to the setting files.

When you make an encrypted file for your password it's also a good idea to keep the file in a directory that is within the backup path, then you can just make a shortcut to the file and then place the shortcut, in a place with easy access.

How to do it: Open a file in INI-Edit and then click the green shortcut arrow. In the Shortcut Name field you will see the name of the ini file you have open,  That can be changed as you please, you can also browse like you do when you save a file, by clicking the green disk button. If you do the latter you will see that the name you chose will be inserted in the Shortcut Name field and the path will be inserted into the Custom Directory field.
If you chose one or more of the default locations marked with checkboxes, you only need the name to make a shortcut. When the dialog have enough information the Create button becomes enabled.

Password Generator Dialog:

In this dialog you can get INI-Edit to generate a unique password for you and add it to the value field in the Item Dialog.
First you chose how long you want the password and then you select what characters you want the password to be made from. Then you just click the Generate button, followed by clicking the Apply button and the password will automatically end in the value field of the item dialog.
The little buttton with the image of a clipboard is for copying the password to the clipboard, so you can use it right away.
There is an other way of getting to this password generator and that is by pressing Ctrl+G when you are seeing  the main window, with this feature you can use INI-Edit to create a unique password any time you like. When you use the password generator in that manner, you just use the copy to clipboard button, to get the password.

Values Only:

This feature is very useful when you have well documented INI files, like they do in PHP where there in the first section in php.ini is 691 lines, but only 54 of those are values. Activating the Values Only feature will hide 637 lines that are comments, blank lines or errors, making it much easier to see the values that are actually set.

Main window popup menu:

If you right-click in the main window, you will see a popup menu that contain all, the items you see in this image. How many of the items there are enabled in this menu, depends on what there is selected in the two list-views Sections and Values.
When you do a  copy and paste, the result of this operation, will be the same as copying the same part of the actual ini file, viewed in a simple text editor and it will NOT be influenced by the setting of the Values Only checkbox. If there are comments in any of the items or the section, these comments will be copied to the clipboard, whether you can see them or not.
The Comment / Uncomment Item, let you comment or uncomment a line in the resulting ini file, it will look like this in the resulting ini file:
;Name=Value ;Comment. (commented)
Name=Value ;Comment. (uncommented)
Some times in large ini files there can be several options that are commented out, when that is the case this feature is very handy, just hit Ctrl + Space and the becomes accessible like any other value.
When you copy and paste a section, either by using this menu or you use the Copy button. You will in both cases be asked to provide a new name for the section. If there are two sections with the same name in an INI file only the values from the first section will be used in a program when it reads the INI file.
In INI-Edit it is possible to have to sections by the same name and they will be kept apart as if they had different names, but the mosst common way to read INI files is to read only from the first section.

Status Bar:

At the bottom of the program there are these information's: LoadTime is the time it took to read the file, ShowTime is the time it too to present the file in the program. Blue Dot Is the number of Sections. Green Dot Is the number of Value Items. Yellow Dot Is the number of Comment Item lines. Red Dot Is the number of Error Lines. Gray Dot Is the number of Blank lines.

If you have an INI file that contain errors, you MUST make a backup before you edit and save the file. The reason is that it is not all files with the extension INI that are actually INI files, some are just given the extension INI to show that it is an initialization file, but the syntax can in fact be very different from the one found in real INI files, which again mean that if you save the file with INI-Edit the file will be ruined.

So be careful and always make backup!


Keyboard Shortcuts for INI-Edit:
File Shortcuts
Create New FileCtrl + N
Open FileCtrl + O
Reload FileF5
Save FileCtrl + S
Save File AsF12
FindCtrl + F
Find NextF3
Find previousShift F3
Show only Values (Hide Comments, Errors and Empty items)F4
Section Shortcuts
Add a New Section after last SectionCtrl F8
Copy Selected Section and Add it after last SectionCtrl F10
Insert a New Section before the selected SectionCtrl F9
Edit the selected SectionCtrl + Enter
Delete the selected SectionCtrl + Del 
Delete the selected Section NO! questions askedCtrl + Shift + Del
Value Item Shortcuts
Add a New Value Item to the end of the SectionF8
Insert a New Value Item before the selected Value F9
Edit the selected Value ItemEnter
Delete the selected Value ItemDel
Delete the selected Value Item NO! questions askedShift + Del
Copy the selected items value to the clipboardCtrl + C
Copy the selected items value to the clipboardCtrl + Insert
Paste a new value, from the clipboard, into the selected item Ctrl + V
Paste a new value, from the clipboard, into the selected itemShift + Insert
Comment or Uncomment selected itemCtrl + Space
Program  Shortcuts
Open the Password GeneratorCtrl + G
Opens this Help page in your default Browser.F1
Open the About dialog (Also registration)F2

Alternative Download Sites:
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INI Edit and Password Saver on Soft32 QLaunch / Quick Launch on DownloadNew INI Edit and Password Saver on Softoxi INI Edit and Password Saver : 5 Stars award on Planetsofts


Last updated: Sep-25-2022    © Copyright 2003-2022 Asger-P Software

This kind of program goes by many names: ini editor, ini edit, password generator, password organizer, password saver.